Kim Jong Il and His Immortal Exploits in Building Up the WPK

October 8 this year marks the 20th anniversary of election
of Kim Jong Il (1942-2011) as the General Secretary of the Workers’
Party of Korea. Kim Jong Il built up the WPK into an invincible party
that achieves only victory in carrying out the cause of socialism, the
cause of independence.
Kim Jong Il developed the WPK into a powerful body that is ideologically pure and organizationally integrated in the cause of implementing the ideas and leadership of the leader.
He energetically conducted ideological and theoretical activities, systematizing and developing in a comprehensive way the theory on the Songun idea; this conformed with the actual situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea which is still in confrontation with the US-led imperialist forces. The Songun idea, together with the Juche idea, has become a mighty sword that enables the WPK to achieve one victory after another in defending the cause of socialism, the cause of independence, and an unshakeable faith of the members of the WPK.
He established a well-regulated organizational system, whereby the ideas and policies advanced by the Party flow to its lower organizations without a hitch, and ensured that Party organizations at all levels turned out as one in the efforts for implementing them, while maintaining work with people as the main thing in their work.
Kim Jong Il developed the WPK into a party with a sound mass basis
and a genuine motherly party that serves the people with devotion.
He paid close attention to rallying the broad sections of the people firmly behind the Party and ensured that the working people’s organizations enhanced their functions and role as befit transmission belts and reserves of the Party. When formulating every line and policy, he reflected in them the aspirations and demands of the masses, and ensured that the people-oriented policies were pursued as before even in the days of economic difficulties. He believed in and relied on the unquenchable strength of the masses in working out the lines and policies and implementing them.
Kim Jong Il made it the basic duty of the WPK to exist for the people and struggle to realize their demands for independence and their interests. He put forward the slogans
“Let the whole Party go among the masses!” and “We serve the people!” and he ensured that the Party took responsible care of the people’s destiny and led its officials to go deep among the people and meet their demands and aspirations, ranging from such basic problems in living as food, clothing and housing to the problem of leading a worthwhile life as social beings, with maternal affection.
The WPK, which was strengthened remarkably under his wise leadership,
is now achieving world-startling successes in implementing the cause of
independence of the masses as the powerful General Staff of the
His exploits in building up the WPK will shine for ever.
WPK’s Mode of Politics
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is not a big country in terms of territory and population, but it continues to develop day by day despite unprecedented sanctions and pressure by the US and its vassal countries.
The international community finds the answer from the mode of
politics pursued by the Workers’ Party of Korea, the leading force of
the country.
The politics of the WPK is characterized by independence.
Guided by the Juche idea that man is the master of his own destiny and he also has the strength with which to shape his own destiny, the WPK has consistently and firmly adhered to the line of independence in politics, self-sufficiency in the economy and self-reliance in national defence.
In July this year, the WPK ensured that a test-firing of ICBM was conducted as part of its efforts to put an end to the high-handedness and arbitrariness of the US, which had been engrossed in pursuing its policy hostile towards the DPRK and blackmailing it with nuke for over half a century. This was a righteous self-defensive measure for safeguarding the sovereignty of the country and the right to existence of the nation. However, picking a quarrel with this, the US again inveigled the UN Security Council into adopting a sanctions resolution unprecedented in history. To cope with this, the DPRK government issued a statement, in which it denounced the resolution as a violent infringement upon the sovereign right of the country and rejected it categorically. It also declared that it will not give up strengthening its nuclear forces whoever says what unless the US stops hostile manoeuvrings and nuclear threat against the country.
Former US president Jimmy Carter, who had visited the country, said:
North Korea (the DPRK) is quite a unique society. It is a society where the people believe in the philosophy of independence as a religion. Imposing sanctions to north Korea is a very counter-productive method.
The WPK’s politics is also characterized by Songun.
The DPRK achieves its victory and demonstrates its dignity on the strength of Songun.
With a firm conviction that the sovereignty and dignity of the
country and nation and the peace and security in the region can be
defended only on the strength of arms in today’s world, where the
high-handedness and aggression of the imperialists cut a wide
swathe, the WPK has strengthened its armed forces by regarding Songun politics as the basic mode of socialist politics.
In the face of constant nuclear threat and reckless moves to ignite a war by the US, the DPRK, possessed of the state-of-the-art means of attack and defence, now developed A-bomb, H-bomb and ICBM capable of striking the US proper, thus joining the ranks of a few military powers of the world.
The WPK pursues benevolent politics.
Under the benevolent politics, in the DPRK the interests of the people are regarded as the basis of all its policies and lines, and they are defended in a thoroughgoing way in any conditions and environment.
Thanks to the policy of respecting, prioritizing and loving the people, such social issues as exploitation and oppression of man by man and rich getting richer and poor getting poorer cannot be found anywhere in the country. All the conditions needed for living including food, clothing and housing are provided by the state, and such people-oriented policies as universal 12-year compulsory education and free medical care are enforced at state expense.
In recent years, world-class bases for mass cultural and emotional
life including the Munsu Water Park, Mirim Riding Club and Masikryong
Ski Resort, and such medical service bases as the Ryugyong Dental
Hospital and Ryugyong General Ophthalmic Hospital have been erected for
the working masses. Modern flats including those in Unha Scientists
Street, Wisong Scientists Residential District, Mirae Scientists Street
and Ryomyong Street have been built and provided to scientists,
technicians and other working people free of charge.
It is not mysterious divine power that works a miracle but the unquenchable power of the people, and nothing is impossible if it respects the people as in heaven and relies on their strength–this is the firm conviction of the WPK.
By firmly believing in the strength of the people and giving fullest play to their inexhaustible mental strength, the WPK is now giving strong impetus to the building of a powerful socialist country, a civilized socialist power, in which the people’s dreams and ideals would be realized at the highest level.
The Peerless Great Contributor to the Cause of Global Independence
Chairman Kim Jong Il was a peerless great man who defended the
destiny of socialism through his indefatigable ideological and
theoretical activities and dynamic leadership.
The socialist movement of the world underwent unexpected ordeals late in the 20th century. The red banner of socialism was pulled down in other countries. A great change was brought about in the political fabric of the world and the balance of its forces.
When the cause of socialism was at a crossroads he determinedly shattered the anti-socialist sophistry of imperialists and renegades through his ideological and theoretical activities and extricated the socialist movement from a crisis with immortal devotion and the people, and nothing is impossible if it respects the people as in heaven and relies on their strength–this is the firm conviction of the WPK.
By firmly believing in the strength of the people and giving fullest play to their inexhaustible mental strength, the WPK is now giving strong impetus to the building of a powerful socialist country, a civilized socialist power, in which the people’s dreams and ideals would be realized at the highest level.
The Peerless Great Contributor to the Cause of Global Independence
Chairman Kim Jong Il was a peerless great man who defended the destiny of socialism through his indefatigable ideological and theoretical activities and dynamic leadership.
The socialist movement of the world underwent unexpected ordeals late in the 20th century. The red banner of socialism was pulled down in other countries. A great change was brought about in the political fabric of the world and the balance of its forces.
When the cause of socialism was at a crossroads he determinedly shattered the anti-socialist sophistry of imperialists and renegades through his ideological and theoretical activities and extricated the socialist movement from a crisis with immortal devotion and outstanding guidance.
Kim Jong Il developed the WPK into a powerful body that is ideologically pure and organizationally integrated in the cause of implementing the ideas and leadership of the leader.
He energetically conducted ideological and theoretical activities, systematizing and developing in a comprehensive way the theory on the Songun idea; this conformed with the actual situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea which is still in confrontation with the US-led imperialist forces. The Songun idea, together with the Juche idea, has become a mighty sword that enables the WPK to achieve one victory after another in defending the cause of socialism, the cause of independence, and an unshakeable faith of the members of the WPK.
He established a well-regulated organizational system, whereby the ideas and policies advanced by the Party flow to its lower organizations without a hitch, and ensured that Party organizations at all levels turned out as one in the efforts for implementing them, while maintaining work with people as the main thing in their work.
He paid close attention to rallying the broad sections of the people firmly behind the Party and ensured that the working people’s organizations enhanced their functions and role as befit transmission belts and reserves of the Party. When formulating every line and policy, he reflected in them the aspirations and demands of the masses, and ensured that the people-oriented policies were pursued as before even in the days of economic difficulties. He believed in and relied on the unquenchable strength of the masses in working out the lines and policies and implementing them.
Kim Jong Il made it the basic duty of the WPK to exist for the people and struggle to realize their demands for independence and their interests. He put forward the slogans
“Let the whole Party go among the masses!” and “We serve the people!” and he ensured that the Party took responsible care of the people’s destiny and led its officials to go deep among the people and meet their demands and aspirations, ranging from such basic problems in living as food, clothing and housing to the problem of leading a worthwhile life as social beings, with maternal affection.
His exploits in building up the WPK will shine for ever.
WPK’s Mode of Politics
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is not a big country in terms of territory and population, but it continues to develop day by day despite unprecedented sanctions and pressure by the US and its vassal countries.
The politics of the WPK is characterized by independence.
Guided by the Juche idea that man is the master of his own destiny and he also has the strength with which to shape his own destiny, the WPK has consistently and firmly adhered to the line of independence in politics, self-sufficiency in the economy and self-reliance in national defence.
In July this year, the WPK ensured that a test-firing of ICBM was conducted as part of its efforts to put an end to the high-handedness and arbitrariness of the US, which had been engrossed in pursuing its policy hostile towards the DPRK and blackmailing it with nuke for over half a century. This was a righteous self-defensive measure for safeguarding the sovereignty of the country and the right to existence of the nation. However, picking a quarrel with this, the US again inveigled the UN Security Council into adopting a sanctions resolution unprecedented in history. To cope with this, the DPRK government issued a statement, in which it denounced the resolution as a violent infringement upon the sovereign right of the country and rejected it categorically. It also declared that it will not give up strengthening its nuclear forces whoever says what unless the US stops hostile manoeuvrings and nuclear threat against the country.
Former US president Jimmy Carter, who had visited the country, said:
North Korea (the DPRK) is quite a unique society. It is a society where the people believe in the philosophy of independence as a religion. Imposing sanctions to north Korea is a very counter-productive method.
The WPK’s politics is also characterized by Songun.
The DPRK achieves its victory and demonstrates its dignity on the strength of Songun.
swathe, the WPK has strengthened its armed forces by regarding Songun politics as the basic mode of socialist politics.
In the face of constant nuclear threat and reckless moves to ignite a war by the US, the DPRK, possessed of the state-of-the-art means of attack and defence, now developed A-bomb, H-bomb and ICBM capable of striking the US proper, thus joining the ranks of a few military powers of the world.
The WPK pursues benevolent politics.
Under the benevolent politics, in the DPRK the interests of the people are regarded as the basis of all its policies and lines, and they are defended in a thoroughgoing way in any conditions and environment.
Thanks to the policy of respecting, prioritizing and loving the people, such social issues as exploitation and oppression of man by man and rich getting richer and poor getting poorer cannot be found anywhere in the country. All the conditions needed for living including food, clothing and housing are provided by the state, and such people-oriented policies as universal 12-year compulsory education and free medical care are enforced at state expense.
It is not mysterious divine power that works a miracle but the unquenchable power of the people, and nothing is impossible if it respects the people as in heaven and relies on their strength–this is the firm conviction of the WPK.
By firmly believing in the strength of the people and giving fullest play to their inexhaustible mental strength, the WPK is now giving strong impetus to the building of a powerful socialist country, a civilized socialist power, in which the people’s dreams and ideals would be realized at the highest level.
The Peerless Great Contributor to the Cause of Global Independence
The socialist movement of the world underwent unexpected ordeals late in the 20th century. The red banner of socialism was pulled down in other countries. A great change was brought about in the political fabric of the world and the balance of its forces.
When the cause of socialism was at a crossroads he determinedly shattered the anti-socialist sophistry of imperialists and renegades through his ideological and theoretical activities and extricated the socialist movement from a crisis with immortal devotion and the people, and nothing is impossible if it respects the people as in heaven and relies on their strength–this is the firm conviction of the WPK.
By firmly believing in the strength of the people and giving fullest play to their inexhaustible mental strength, the WPK is now giving strong impetus to the building of a powerful socialist country, a civilized socialist power, in which the people’s dreams and ideals would be realized at the highest level.
The Peerless Great Contributor to the Cause of Global Independence
Chairman Kim Jong Il was a peerless great man who defended the destiny of socialism through his indefatigable ideological and theoretical activities and dynamic leadership.
The socialist movement of the world underwent unexpected ordeals late in the 20th century. The red banner of socialism was pulled down in other countries. A great change was brought about in the political fabric of the world and the balance of its forces.
When the cause of socialism was at a crossroads he determinedly shattered the anti-socialist sophistry of imperialists and renegades through his ideological and theoretical activities and extricated the socialist movement from a crisis with immortal devotion and outstanding guidance.
his immortal classic work “Abuses of Socialism Are Intolerable” he
clearly demonstrated that although imperialists condemned socialism as
“totalitarian”, “barracks-like” and “administrative and commanding”,
their slanders and abuses of all hues were sheer fabrications and
published the immortal classic work “Socialism Is A Science”, in which
he logically proved the scientific accuracy and truth of socialism and
the inevitability of its victory, thus fully exploding the sophisms of
all shades concocted by the reactionaries of history to vilify
wisely led the progressive parties of the world to strengthen their
unity and cooperation and thereby contribute to accomplishing the cause
of socialism.
also announced the immortal classic work “On the Fundamentals of
Revolutionary Party Building”. In the work he deeply analyzed the
historical lessons from ruling party building in socialist countries and
supplied clear-cut answers to the fundamentals of revolutionary party
building required by the times and the socialist movement of the world.
energetically led many revolutionary and progressive parties to
vigorously advance the socialist movement of the world under the banner
of unity. In the process of this the historic Pyongyang Declaration
“Let’s Defend and Advance the Cause of Socialism” was adopted and
proclaimed in Korea. This declared that the socialist movement of the
world started anew and advanced under the banner of the Juche idea and
was the incarnation of benevolence that captivated the heart of
everybody with noble moral duty and ardent love and set the world in
Even the politicians of hostile countries bowed to him of their own accord, admiring his infinite magnanimity and tolerance.
was an all-time great man of peerless charisma who not only defended
the cause of socialism and human independence through his prominent
ideological and theoretical activities and with his dynamic guidance but
also swayed the world with noble virtues and personality.
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